Hybrid events in 2022

The event industry has high hopes for 2022. Still, many companies and couples are keeping their options open due to the everchanging reality we have faced since 2020. That is one of the reasons hybrid events will remain the number one option for corporate and social events during this year. If you haven’t attended a hybrid event, you might ask yourself what exactly is one and how you can organize it successfully.

We are here to help and walk you through the main characteristics and ways you can host a hybrid corporate or social event during 2022. Any Miami event planner knows there is a level of difficulty when we try to organize this type of event, but with the right vendors, you will succeed, no doubts.

Hybrid events involve a virtual and physical part; let’s say you are throwing a corporate party to celebrate your company’s anniversary. Still, due to travel or gathering restrictions, a part of your guest list cannot physically attend. You don’t want to leave them completely out of the celebration, so you come up with the idea of including them virtually and even send a gift bag or plated dinner to their home to feel like they did attend the event.

The same goes for weddings. You want your elderly family members to witness your loving union, but putting them at risk is not an option, or maybe your best friend is working overseas and cannot attend your Miami wedding; they can virtually attend and be part of your vow reading even from a distance.

Technology has been our biggest ally during these hard times, and it will continue to solve many of our problems. If you wish to host a hybrid event, you should follow this guideline.

– Find the right venue.

Hybrid events must comply with a couple of characteristics; for example, they should have enough space for those who attend physically and built-in technology to broadcast or enough space to set up a camera. A well-lit space is also crucial, along with a strong internet signal and mic or speakers. Remember, you are hosting two events simultaneously, so you must pay attention to many details.

– Have a clear purpose.

If you organize a wedding, you already have a clear purpose, joining your life with your partner. You need to know how the hybrid event will work. Do you want to broadcast the entire wedding or just the ceremony? Are you installing a screen to see your relatives, or is it a one-way communication?

For a corporate event, you need to know how you want the event to run, is it needed to interact with those on the other side of the camera, or you only intend to send a transmission, so they are part of the seminaries and so on. How about printed goods and gift bags? It would be best to mail them a couple of days before the event.

– Make your guest list wisely.

We have seen hybrid events evolve as we understand them better with time. For example, large virtual crowds will not leave room for interaction. Instead, small virtual events have an engaging effect and suit better educational purposes. It would help if you also thought about the age of your guests and how likely it is for them to use technology to attend a virtual event.

The success of hybrid events depends greatly on how well you organize activities and how easy communication is. They require more attention to detail and technological knowledge, but I know things will turn out great with the right event planner on your team.


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